Do you ever get overwhelmed by the news headlines? War! Disease! Inflation! Shortages! Is it possible for a believer to live with faith in such uncertain times? Good news… it sure is!! Join Pastor Jodi for the launch of this five week series, a study on I and II Thessalonians. Through the scriptures you will unlock a new directive each week to equip you and strengthen your faith.
Participate in the series devotionals by joining our OxNaz Daily Devotional Group.
Part One: Be Comforted
Do you ever get overwhelmed by the news headlines? War! Disease! Inflation! Shortages! Is it possible for a believer to live with faith in such uncertain times? Good news… it sure is!!
Part Two: Be Ready
How do the words of scripture regarding the rapture of the believers, the coming of Christ, and the future judgment make you feel? Do these topics elicit feelings of fear or faith? What did Jesus want you to know about the future? Join Pastor Jodi today as she looks at these questions and more in this second message in the ‘Faith In Uncertain Times’ series and you will also learn what love has to do with it all! ❤
Part Three: Be Blameless
Do you ever just want good enough to be good enough? When it comes to your faith is there a ‘good enough’? Can you know God’s will for you? Pastor Jodi explores these questions and more in the third message in our ‘Faith in Uncertain Times’ Series, entitled ‘Be Blameless’!
Part Four: Be Right
Where you will spend eternity is too important to ignore or simply speculate about… this is one thing you need to get right! Join Pastor Jodi today for the forth message in our “Faith In Uncertain Times” Series to learn more about the Second Coming of Christ and the final judgment! When it comes to these tough topics you want to ‘Be… Right’!
Part Five: Be Wise
In this series finale, Pastor Jodi provides Biblical teaching on the Second Coming, the Anti-Christ and False Prophet, the Mark of the Beast and so much more. All these ultimately point us to one key question… “Do you love the truth”? In a world that says truth is relative, this is a question with eternal implications!