Family Strong Sermon Series


It is hard to build strong Christian families in our post-Christian world, but it is NOT impossible! With God, all thing are possible. Join us for this series, no matter what your family unit looks like. God wants to do something amazing in your home and with your family this season so that you might be “Family Strong”!

Participate in the series of devotionals by joining our OxNaz Daily Devotional Group.

Part One: Ultimate Consequence

In this first message Pastor Jodi shares the importance of casting vision for the family and speaks of God’s power to redeem and restore broken homes! NO family is beyond repair–God is able to heal and restore when we put our trust in Him!

Part Two: Jesus Brand of Love

Pastor Jodi explores how Jesus’ brand of love is patient, not self-seeking, and not easily angered. We are called to model this kind of love and to lead our families with faith, not fear.

Part Three: Fill’r Up Lord

This week Pastor Jodi continues to explore how love behaves in family; love is kind, love honors. These essential elements of love result from a work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, filling us with His supernatural love.

Part Four: Stay the Course

Pastor Jodi tells a personal story about distraction and shares four keys that God has provided to help you “Stay the Course” and remain faithful in a world filled with distractions.

Part Five: Jesus the Liberating King

Pastor Jodi tackles the tough topic of failure in families. Failure doesn’t have to be fatal if we listen to the Liberator, not the liar! If you have suffered a personal or moral failure, experienced brokenness in your home and life, this is a message of freedom you need to hear!

Part Six: The Family of God

Pastor Jodi expresses the true biblical understanding of the church as family—brothers and sisters, children of God—called to love and live in unity so that the world might believe in Jesus. In the household of God, the glory of God will dwell.