Undivided Series

In this series Pastor Jodi examines God’s call to undivided living in messages about the heart, eyes, and hands. In this series you will learn that an undivided heart trusts God alone, undivided eyes focus on God first, and undivided hands surrender all. Listen and be challenged to go ‘all in’ so that you can be filled with the Holy Spirit, made new in his love, be whole… live undivided!

Participate in the series of devotionals by joining our OxNaz Daily Devotional Group.

Part One : An Undivided Heart That Trusts God Alone

The “Undivided” series begins today with Pastor Jodi preaching on having an undivided heart that trusts God alone. Consider joining us and even invite a friend for this three-week series.

Part Two : An Undivided Eye is Focused on God First

Do you ever feel like you have a million different things needing your time and attention? Part Two in the “Undivided” series is about eyes that focus on God First. Pastor Jodi teaches the Biblical Principal of ‘First”.

Part Three :  Undivided Hands Surrender All

Pastor Jodi wraps up the three week Sermon Series “Undivided” by looking at undivided hands that surrender all. We hope you have enjoyed these messages and we thank you for your engagement, comments, likes and shares. Our prayer is that you will truly trust God alone, focus on Him first, and surrender your all to Him, so that you can live filled with His Spirit, whole… UNDIVIDED!

A Final Thought

Pastor Jodi shares a final thought with you in this short video that concludes our Undivided Series with practical application to help you live UNDIVIDED!