Unwrapping The Gift

Many folks are overwhelmed with uncertainty about the future. Sound like you? Well, you’re in luck! The perfect gift is ready for you, you just need to unwrap it today! Join Pastor Jodi for this Advent Series, “Unwrapping the Gift”!

Participate in the series devotionals by joining our OxNaz Daily Devotional Group.

Part One: The Gift of Assurance

Many folks are overwhelmed with uncertainty about the future. Sound like you? Well, you’re in luck! The perfect gift is ready for you, you just need to unwrap it today! Join Pastor Jodi for this first message in her Advent Series, “Unwrapping the Gift”!

Part Two: The Gift of Opportunity

The angels called his coming “good news”. Why? Join Pastor Jodi today in “Unwrapping the Gift” and find out. This gift will inspire, bless, and challenge you to make the most of every single day!

Part Three: The Gift of Presence

Would you love a more vibrant and flourishing prayer life? Is praying a struggle at times? Are you enjoying deep and close communion with Jesus these days? The ‘gift’ being unwrapped today has the power to transform how you see and know God and absolutely transform how you pray… so get somewhere quiet, get nice and comfy, and listen in. May God richly bless your life today!

Part Four: The Gift of Peace

In a world filled with sickness, war, chaos, and instability YOU CAN FIND PEACE! How? Join Pastor Jodi today in “Unwrapping the Gift” and find out!