Join Pastor Jodi for the launch of our Easter Series. It will challenge your thoughts on Jesus, his followers, and religion more broadly as you consider your response to life’s ultimate question, “What Will You Do With Jesus?”
Participate in the series devotionals by joining our OxNaz Daily Devotional Group.
Part One: Pilate Condemned Him
Join Pastor Jodi for the launch of our Easter Series. It will challenge your thoughts on Jesus, his followers, and religion more broadly as you consider your response to life’s ultimate question, “What Will You Do With Jesus?”
Part Two: Soldiers Crucified Him
Pastor Jodi uncovers something in the message today that will challenge every single listener. Join us for this second message in the Easter Series “What Will You Do With Jesus?”
Part Three: People Rejected Him
Sometimes Jesus doesn’t come through the way you wished, hoped, or wanted. How do you respond? Do you reject Him? Join Pastor Jodi as she discusses this in today’s message “People Rejected Him”.
Part Four: Friends Deserted Him
If Jesus’ own friends deserted him after they witnessed such miracles and power, what hope is there for you? Find out today as you join Pastor Jodi in this fourth message in our Easter Series “What Will You Do With Jesus?”
Part Five: Two Believed Him
Two unlikely men believed Jesus was who he claimed to be. How? What led to their conversion? Join Pastor Jodi in this fifth message in the Easter Series “What Will You Do With Jesus?”
Series Finale : Time to Answer The Question
Are you ready to tackle life’s ultimate question? Join us for this powerful conclusion to our Easter Series, “What Will You Do With Jesus?” From Pastor Jodi and all the OxNaz team, we send our love and blessings to you as you celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. “He is not here; he has risen!” Jesus is alive!