We have many small groups that meet throughout the year.

These small groups help connect people, build relationships and strengthen faith.


Ladies Prayer Group

A small but mighty group of women meet every Tuesday morning at the church to pray. We’d love to have you join this important ministry.

Mid-Week Connect

Every Wednesday night, we gather to pray together for the needs of our church and our community. It is a unique format where no one is put on the spot to pray. We share prayer requests and give thanks for answers to prayer. Join us!

Prayer Around the Altar

Every Saturday evening, a group of dedicated prayer warriors meets in the church sanctuary and gathers around the altar to pray. All are welcome.

Prayer Shawl Group

A lovely group of ladies meets in the home of Gloria Black every Tuesday at 1 PM. These ladies make beautiful prayer shawls and afghans which are lovingly donated to seniors, shut-ins, people who are ill, or those among us that could just use some extra love. New members are welcome!