How Are You Feeling?

by | Friday August 7, 2020 | 3 comments

James 1:6
But he must ask in faith, without doubting, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

Does the sun rise and set only when you feel like it? How about the seasons, do they change one from another only when your heart is in the right place? Weird questions right? Here’s the thing, God has promised to be with you, not just once but many times! His presence in your life is a guarantee! Take this verse for example “The Lord Himself with go before you and be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” Deut. 31:8. Or this one “Do not fear for I am with you; Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.” Isaiah 41:10.

So many of us only feel like being a Christian when, well, we feel like it or, when we “feel” Him near. So many times I’ve heard from a teen “I haven’t felt God in a while so I’m wondering if He’s even there, I’m wondering if I’m even supposed to be a Christian”. Wonder no longer guys! Doubt no longer! Did the sun come up this morning? Then He is with you! Did the sun set this evening? Then God has His hand on you. Did Spring turn to Summer last year? Then be sure that God is alive and at work for you regardless of our feelings!

Something we need to discuss about feelings…feelings can be dangerous. They can by our ally or our enemy it just depends on the situation. The biggest thing we need to realize about feelings, to make them safer, is that feelings are temporary. You may feel fine at 9:30 this morning, awful at noon but over-the-moon happy by 4:00 PM. This would not be an abnormal day for any of us. So as this is true, why do we put so much emphasis on what or how we feel? Why do we make sometimes life altering decisions simply based on our particular emotion of the hour? Here’s a new suggestion for an addition to the rule book of our life “Do not let temporary emotions do permanent damage”. This goes for your relationship with God first, your relationship with your parents and siblings and most definitely in your relationship with your friends (but that’s entire other lesson) but I digress.

Here’s the take away. How we feel has no affect on God’s presence in our life. Unlike the wave on the sea, we must now be steady. Believe in His promises and go boldly into your day knowing without a doubt that He is with you.


  1. Dani

    That’s powerful stuff, Thanks Tyler!

    • Peculiar Ploughman

      Hey Dani, my pleasure!

  2. Barb

    Thank you Tyler for this great reminder of God’s “consistency” and the fact He is always there even when we don’t feel Him.