Daily Devotional

The Gospel of Mark 11

CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO Then return to join our discussion in the comments below. Today we think about the resurrection of Jesus. He literally died and rose from the dead and is with us now. HERE… with me. THERE… with you.  How does that affect you? Can you imagine...

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The Gospel of Mark 10

CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO Then return to join our discussion in the comments below. Jesus was distressed, sorrowful, and his soul was being crushed.  He wanted his Father to take the pain away, but still he submitted to his Father’s will.  His Father had to watch that cry...

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The Gospel of Mark 9

CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO Then return to join our discussion in the comments below. People had an expectation about what it meant for Jesus to come and establish the promised kingdom. However, being part of the kingdom is opposite to what the world imagines. The world...

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The Gospel of Mark 8

CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO Then return to join our discussion in the comments below. In this lesson the truth is plainly given: if you are going to follow Jesus you must deny yourself. You must let go of your life and surrender control. You must choose what this life has to...

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The Gospel of Mark 7

CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO Then return to join our discussion in the comments below. Jesus saw the crowds and had compassion on them. He saw people in need and that mattered to him, no matter how busy or tired he was. God has always been seeing and responding to our need....

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The Gospel of Mark 6

CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO Then return to join our discussion in the comments below. People knew a God who was so high and holy, and then this person (Jesus) lands on the scene saying he is Almighty God. It didn’t make sense to their human minds. They couldn’t fathom it,...

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The Gospel of Mark 5

CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO Then return to join our discussion in the comments below. In this lesson Francis shares about how some people push Jesus away because of all that he demands of his followers; yet, others press in to touch him. Some like life as it is and they fear...

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The Gospel of Mark 4

CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO Then return to join our discussion in the comments below. The focus for Jesus didn’t seem to be in convincing the crowds, but in equipping his followers to carry the kingdom forward. Jesus identified and called people to truly follow him, and then...

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The Gospel of Mark 3

CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO Then return to join our discussion in the comments below. Imagine witnessing Jesus working during his time on earth? Imagine hearing him speak with authority, heal in such miraculous ways, and demonstrate his power. Yet, with all the miracles and...

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The Gospel of Mark 2

CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO Then return to join our discussion in the comments below. When Jesus called people to “follow,” he wasn’t asking them to follow some code of conduct or morality as Francis puts it, but he was calling them to follow him - a person. He demonstrated...

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